Things To Keep In Mind While Folder Printing

Considering the fact that A4 printing presentation folders can be quite an important aspect of your marketing strategy — it is best you think of a way that helps you in standing out and apart from the run-of-the-mill crown! Customizing your A5 presentation folders to fit your brand values is a strategy that will go a long when it comes to the right kind of folder printing.
Having said that however even when you have decided upon all the aspects that are meant for your folder design, there are things that might not turn out the way you plan them — such is life anyway. Hence, we have compiled for you some tips that will help you in your quest for the perfect techniques of folder printing. Referring to these tips can save you a lot of trial and errors and also assist you in perfecting that the best design combination for your A4 or A5 presentation folders.
- When you are thinking of designing unicolour presentation folders PMS ink which has been already mixed is actually one of the best design choices for folder printing. In fact, the combination is really perfect for the times when you want to watch the hue of your organisation’s brand colours to that of the folder design. CMYK ink tends to produce variations at times whereas pre-mixed PMS ink maintains colour uniformity.
- The converse of the aforementioned point holds true when it comes to folder printing a design that has multiple colours. The four colour process ends up giving you access to the entire colour spectrum with endless permutations and combinations possible. The hues that you may face a little difficulty with are orange and navy blue — so barring these two colours while folder printing, the rest of the colours of your design will come out to be vibrant when printing with CMYK ink.
- One of the biggest misconceptions when it comes to using the colour back while folder printing is — its composition. People assume that if your A4 presentation folders require the colour pure black then the best way to go about it is to hike the opacity percentage of black to a 100% and keeping the rest of the colours to a big fat zero — unfortunately, this cannot be further away from the truth. The best way of achieving a pure black while folder printing is the following composition percentages — you need to use 100% of black, 605 of the colour Cyan, 40% of Yellow and lastly 40% of magenta. The resultant colour is a lush and deeper tone.
- Another useful tip when trying to use the colour blue in it’s truest sense is to manage its ratio to the colour magenta. Many people do not know that fact that in the CMYK ink spectrum blue is quite tricky to work with when it comes to folder printing and in fact many a time the colour may end up appearing purple instead of the colour blue. So when it comes to the need of true blue as a colour in your palette — the best way to go about it is to always set the percentage of cyan at 30% higher than that of magenta. For example, if the hue percentage for Magenta is at 20% then Cyan should be at 50% and so forth.
- You can also implement the usage of metallic colours in your folder printing — Everyone known metallic hues tend to grab attention due to their luminance and also add a touch of elegance to any design that is being created. Even fluorescent colours impart and eye-grabbing effect when used for folder printing. Drawing the attention of the viewer’s eyes to the design at hand makes it memorable and effective. However, a word of caution would be that you cannot achieve these effects when employing the four colour folder printing mode. So you will have to figure out your printing procedure for your A4 or A5 presentation folders accordingly.
Hence, keeping these tips in mind can really help you out to get the right design and tone for your folder printing and also ensure that you’re marketing your brand in the most effective manner. Possible.
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